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Monday, August 11, 2008


I need to sit down and sort out my challenges to see if I stand a chance of finishing anything. Last year I managed to fail EVERY challenge I entered. This year I was determined not to overdo it, not to commit to too much. I have my own personal TBR challenge, which should have been enough. Here're the ones I couldn't resist:

The U.S. Presidents Reading Project, hosted by Books 'N Border Collies:
Read a non-fiction book about each U.S. President.

The Chunkster Challenge, hosted by Think Pink Dana.
I need to read 4 chunksters by December 20. So far, I've read:
The Classics Challenge, hosted by Trish.
I have to read 5 classics, and one bonus "new" classic by December 31. I've read:
The TBR Day Challenge, hosted by avidbookreader.
Each month we read one book that's been on our shelves since at least 2007. My list:


  1. I loved Gods in Alabama. She had me hooked from the first sentence of the book.

  2. I don't think you *fail* a challenge just because you don't complete it! You've still explored a new theme, and probably been introduced to books you hadn't heard of before, you know?

  3. I orginally wrote out a list for my A-Z challenge but now I think I'm going to go back and see if I can plug in books that I've read this year. I signed up for to many challenges as well.

  4. Yay Rah Rah Yay!! That's me being a cheerleader by the way. I think next year I'm going to take it a little easier on the challenges (although that's what I said LAST year!). I love them but I also don't leave myself enough room for whims. But Eva's totally right--you don't fail if you don't complete it--it was still a good experience AND you're reading!! That's always the best part!


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