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Monday, November 03, 2008

Book Giveaway Carnival!


What?? ANOTHER carnival giveaway?? COOL.

This one is hosted by Bookroom reviews, and full details can be found here. Be sure to check that link, then scroll to where it says CLICK HERE TO ENTER! for the link to Mr. Linky and a full list of participants. Contest starts TODAY, so check back often!

So, what am I giving away? A $15 gift card to the bookstore of your choice! That's right, Amazon, Books-A-Million, Borders, whatever you want. Starbucks. Oh, wait, that's not a bookstore... but if you can convince me it is, it's all yours! If it is NOT a store I have locally, I have to be able to buy the card online.

How do you enter?

For ONE entry, leave a comment telling me your favorite bookstore, and why it's your favorite. If you don't tell me, you don't qualify.

For a SECOND entry, subscribe to my reader, and leave me a second comment telling me you did so. If you are already subscribed, tell me that.

For a THIRD entry, post about this on your blog, and leave me a third comment with the link. Don't have a blog? Start one!

Ready? GO!


  1. For me, I need to turn up my nose at the glamor of B&N and go straight for the bargains at Half Price Books. Of course there is something to be said for the coffee at Barnes & Noble...

  2. I love Joseph-Beth Bookstores in Lexington, Ky!!! I'm not sure, but I think it's the biggest independent in the country.

    Great giveaway, thanks!

  3. I like the large independent used and new bookstore in the town over.

    WordLily AT gmail

  4. Strand Books in NYC supposedly kicks major butt. I'm going for the 1st time on Wednesday. My favorite store for now is b and n but that will hopefully change soon!

  5. I love Half Price Books because I can leave with double the books for a lot less. I do like Barnes and Noble when I want something to pretty to look at because they have the books arranged so nicely. Thanks for a great giveaway!

  6. WOW...I love gift cards!! Thanks so much for giving me a chance to win one!

  7. I LOVE Book People in Austin.

    And of course I subscribe to your feed :)

  8. My favourite bookstore is, which has just about everything I could ever need. If I am looking locally and in no rush, I like Books & Co.

    knittingmomof3 AT gmail DOT com

  9. I love B & N! There is such a huge collection of books there! Of course, it is located about a half an hour away from where I live. We need one closer! So I do a lot of online shopping from them.

  10. please enter me! my favorite bookstore is a store in Bristol, VA called Christian Book Warehouse. They sell mainly remainder marked books for insanely low prices.

  11. I subscribed to your reader. :)

    knittingmomof3 AT gmail DOT com

  12. Olsson's used to be my favorite, but now that it's closed? Unfortunately, until I find a replacement, Border's definitely wins.

  13. My favorite is A wide variety of books to choose from.

  14. Amazon is my favorite. I can browse any time day or night. I have a list of my favorites. And they deliver right to my door. It's great!

  15. I love Schuler Books, my big-but-local bookstore. All the selection of the big chains plus the all the feel-good of shopping local -- plus a used book section!

    aqualectrix at gmail dot com

  16. I love B&N, but I am a sucker for a good bargain table, and it's hard to beat the ones at Books a Million.

  17. Also, I'm already subscribed to your feed!

  18. I love though they don't always have what I'm looking for - second best is Amazon. Both on-line because I cannot imagine trying to shop for books with my children all in tow. :)

    Thanks for the chance to win! I'm hthaden at gmail dot com.

  19. Second entry, subscribed to your RSS.

    Thanks! hthaden at gmail dot com.

  20. I love Borders for their coupons, Amazon for their shopping 24/7 and Barnes & Noble for their loungeability. LOL But I think my fave is Amazon, since I can just keep adding to my wish list and then buying as I get funds.
    hematopoiesis at hotmail dot com

  21. I love B&N They have great bargain bins and online shopping can't be beat I'm putting your contest on my blog t

    florida982002@yahoo dot com

  22. I'd love a Barnes & Noble gift card. I already subscribe to you blog in my Google Reader. milou2ster(at)

  23. Another Bargin Bin hunter at Barnes and Noble here. Awesome giveaway! Thanks!

  24. I have to confess... I love all book stores (used or new! lol) but my favorite would have to be Borders. It's just perfect!

  25. I like Strand book store, which has tons of book selections, reasonable prices but honesty, I prefer to buy new books but once in a while it's nice to stroll through the isles and just browse

  26. I prefer an independent bookstore but since there are none by me I have to go with Barnes & Noble. We have a Borders too but it's not set-up properly! Too many distractions. Our B&N is conducive to browsing and has a nice cafe so I say B&N.

    Thanks for the opportunity!


  27. My favorite is still Amazon, because they're generally good to all authors and publishers, of any size, and because free shipping!

    timk at (You can also contact me via my website.)

  28. My favorite National bookstore would be Lifeway Christian books, but my all time fav bookstore is a local used bookstore. I love that place. lol

    I would love to be entered in your giveaway.

  29. Hard question...

    I love amazon for the convenience and discounts but I also like to browse in Borders! And in used book stores too.

  30. I love Amazon because I can almost always find exactly what I am looking for!

  31. Please enter me. For ease and great deals it's all Amazon for me.

    Sararush at hotmail dot com

  32. I'm an gal, but anywhere they sell books is a great store in my opinion!

  33. For good old fashioned browsing I love to hang out in the aisles of Walden Books at my local mall,otherwise I am just an amazon junkie.
    Thanks for the entry.


  34. Umm...I have THREE favorite book stores. My everyday bookstore is the Borders across the street. My favorite local-but-a-little-far-away bookstore is Sam Weller's. My favorite away bookstore is Powell's.

    I'm already subscribed to your lovely blog!

    thebluestockingsociety AT gmail

  35. like barnes and noble, but get alot better deals on amazon and buy alot less and don't suck down a starbucks or weedle away hours looking at all the cool books please enter me- thanks so much!mrs.mommyyatgmaildotcom

  36. subscriber please enter me- thanks so much!mrs.mommyyatgmaildotcom

  37. For me it is definatly B&N they have such a cool atmosphere and any book I want is there and the one time it wasnt they ordered it for me and got it a week later. Also it helps they have the discount card you can buy which is good if you buy lots of books like me so you save alot. :) Thanks for the giveaway, please enter me.

  38. My favorite place to buy books is the amazon marketplace. Does that count? I like to browse through bookstores (B&N especially) but it usually so much cheaper to buy online!

    I am of course already subscribed to your RSS feed!

  39. My favorite bookstore is Amazon. I'm able to browse and find books online that I'm interested in. I'm also able to read reviews. I like that I can find good books at a good price.

  40. my favorite bookstore is actually Waterstones in the UK...every time I travel overseas to England, I HAVE to hit that place!

    fertawert AT yahoo DOT com

  41. My favorite bookstore is Half Price Books. LOVE IT. Also, you know I'm already a subscriber. ;) thanks for the giveaway, Lisa!

  42. I love Amazon and B&N -- and the Borders in downtown Chicago :-)

  43. I'm gonna cheat a little bit.

    MY favorite book store is a thrift store. I love the crazy assortment of books and the smell and the thrill of the hunt.

    For this giveaway, I'm gonna tell you that my husband LOVES B&N, and I would love the chance to win a GC to put in his stocking.

  44. I blogged about ya :o)

  45. Amazon is my favorite bookstore, if it can count. I love their prices, free shipping at $25, and their wide selection.

    I also like to shop at used bookstores. They have a neat one near where I live. I love to find a good book at a bargain!

  46. This is a tough question. I love Recycled Books. They're a local used bookstore in town. They're in a bright purple building and I can't remember a time when I didn't shop there.

    I also enjoy Borders though it isn't in town. I'm signed up for the Borders Reward program. And I love some of the perks that come with that. (Border bucks are my friends!)

    Online, I love, love, love Amazon.

  47. I've subscribed to your blog by google reader.

    Becky (laney_poATyahooDOTcom)

  48. Oh - my favorite by far is . I generally find great deals on there, often for the cost of shipping, which is a little less than Amazon's used marketplace. If I can find the book for less at Amazon, that is a close second! Locally, we have a great B&N right down the street - I don't know if I've ever found a bookstore I didn't like! ;)

    Wendi wbarker (at)
    I'm giving away 10+ books to 4+ winners! To enter
    click here!

  49. Amazon or Barnes & Noble are my favorites. I was looking for your site sign up for an additional entry but can't find it.

    Great giveaway! Thanks!! Please enter me.

    Please be sure to visit mine today too if you have time!


  50. Oh, I love B&N!!

    Thanks for such a nice giveaway!

  51. Favourite real estate book shop - Waterstones in Sauciehall Street, Glasgow. I could lose myself for days in there.

  52. Amazon is my favorite because I can find practically every book I am looking for, even if they are out of print. Thanks for the chance to win!

  53. I also have been subscribed to your blog via Google Reader for a while now :)

  54. We go to Borders since it is available. And of course, Amazon since it is always there! I love Bookins online too to swap books.

  55. Doesn't Starbucks qualify because we can go there to read??!! My favorite bookstore is a locally owned one. I have enjoyed every recommendation they have given me. If they don't have it, they order it. Do like to larger chain stores too.

  56. Oh I love FAMILY Christian Bookstore.....and Lifeway!
    They have all the latest and greatest in Christian reading. I'm also a big fan of Booksa million.

  57. Entry #1: I'm a B&N member, so I get discounts and can make $15 go a long way!

  58. Entry #2 I subscribed to you in my Google Reader!

  59. Entry #3 I blogged about your contest here!

    Aerinblogs AT aol DOT com

  60. My favorite bookstore is Amazon, but my favorite book-swapping site is Check it out; it's addicting!

    writer underscore weaver at yahoo dot com

  61. B&N is my favorite since it is the closet one to my house. :) But if I order online, I order from Amazon!

  62. Well, BAM is here and there are NO OTHER bookstores in my area! I know! How horrible! So, I love BAM and I love Amazon. I really love Coffee Culture in Gainesville, FL. They have a free book exchange and great coffee! LOL LOL LOL

  63. Okay, I do most of my book shopping online at, but I like hitting the bargain tables at Waldenbooks (our only big chain bookstore) and I visit our local Christian bookstore Bible Supply for browsing.


    ryanx6 at msn dot com

  64. I my favorite is Barnes and Nobel simply because they are much closer to where I live than any other bookstores. :) I do like the nearby Christian bookstore, but their selection is a little weak. When I can't find something I order from
    frog123 (at) cyipcom (dot) net

  65. My favorite bookstore is Border's because they have the best bargain section.

  66. We have BAM and B&N in Huntsville (nearest city with bookstores). I prefer B&N because it is cozier.

  67. I would love a amazon gift card that's my favorite book store even if it's on line I love to able to look up the books i want and add them to my cart. I'm going to sign up i'll be back to let you know i did Thanks!

  68. I signed up under google if it doesn't show up can you put me in by my email? Thanks

  69. My favorite bookstore is our local thrift store where books are 50 cents to two dollars. I have to go at least once a week to see if I can find anything good. I'm subscribed! Count two entries for me please! Thanks Lisa.

  70. for ease of convenience I love, but when I go into New York City I hit 'The Strand'. I can't even begin to tell you how many out of print books I've found for so cheap brand new! Literally 8 miles+ of books if they put their shelves back to back its a dream come true for me.

    lexie.cenni (@)

  71. I love Powell's! They have one here in Portland Oregon and it's every readers dreams! It smells off old and new books...I literally would love the chance to live there... LOL

    Thanks for the chance to win!

    ellybean (at)

  72. Here in the heartland we have just a Borders in town -- which I'm not sniffing at. But my favorite bookstore of all time is Politics and Prose in D.C. LOVE IT! Great readings, great selections, helpful employees. I want to put it in my pocket and take it home with me.

  73. I also subscribe to your RSS feed.

  74. I also subscribe to your RSS feed.

  75. I generally buy my books at a little local store that pretty much has to order what I want. I shop online at Harry Schwarz and Amazon.

  76. I like Barnes and Noble as it's closest to where I live.

  77. City Lights in San Fran - history and quality.

  78. Wow, that is a LOT of comments. My favourite bookstore in the whole world is the Borders in downtown Eugene. As you (probably?) know, I met my husband online, and then a year after we started talking, he flew out (from London) to see me (in Oregon) and stayed in a hotel across the street from this huge Borders. The first day I met him, he suggested we go wander around Borders for a chat and it was such a great way to re-meet him, talking about books and stuff. We spent a lot of time there, so I like it not only because it has a large selection of books, the great staff, their yum ham and cheese pastries, but also because I fell in love with my husband there for the second time.
    If you were asking where I'd want a giftcard from though, I think would be more practical for me. But less of a great story! :) And also, I've been subscribed to your blog for AGES.

  79. My favorite bookstore is Barnes and Noble. I go there at least once a week, lol. I like it b/c it's close and they generally has about a million books I want. Plus it's organized in such a way that I can easily find things.

  80. Forgot to say, I subscribed!

  81. is my favourite bookstore because before it came a long I had a hard time getting books ordered in that I knew existed (independent bookstores would insist they didn't).

    I can be contacted through my blog (click on the name and leave a comment anywhere or my e-mail is the bottom of my about page).

  82. I subscribed to your RSS feed.

  83. My favorite bookstore is a small privately owned store downtown, but my other favorite is Books-A-Million for the simple reason that it's right up the road from my house. :)

  84. I linked to your giveaway on my sidebar. You can see it at

  85. I like Amazon for it's huge inventory. But I also like Half Price Books, where I can get books for a price which doesn't bust my wallet, especially in light of today's economy.

    Thanks for this great giveaway!
    callmeabookworm AT gmail DOT com

  86. I'm from Portugal, and my favourite bookstore is FNAC. It's no great, but it has a lot of english books that havenn't yet been translated :)

    ( acrisalves AT gmail DOT com)

  87. My favorite book store would have to be Amazon, since I can find great deals there without having to leave the house. It's so much more relaxing to shop from home than to try to find a good read with a 4 year old in tow. Thanks for the giveaway!

  88. My favorite book store is a local new and used book store called appropiately, The Book Place. The owner and clerks are friendly and helpful. I can buy my books there then return them for store credit to buy even more books. The owner makes a little money and I get to feed my reading addict at a minimal cost.

  89. Hi! :)

    I recently fell in love with a used books store in a lovely mountain town in my country (Panama), called The Bookmark. It was heaven! Books stacked up to the ceiling, the smell of old paperbacks (which I love)... Ahhhh!

    Anyway, my favorite online bookstore is probably


    mtto1970 AT Yahoo!

  90. I love to go to Barnes and Noble. It's fun discovering new books on the shelves. The coffee isn't bad, either. Online, I like BN, Amazon, and Borders.


  91. My fav is Amazon. Everything I could possibly want, great prices, and I don't have to waste gas to get there!

  92. B & N is nice but you can find some great buys at Amazon so I would rather have an Amazon GC thanks! I also like those temporary bookstores that pop up at this time of year but they don't have gc's

  93. I don't know if I have a fav store but I use a lot, but only with gift cards so far. I already subscribe to your blog :)

  94. I love Amazon because I can browse from home in my jammies, and I love reading the reviews that people leave, and the prices are really reasonable.

  95. Borders is my personal favorite. I like how it's laid out. We have an independent bookstore here, but I find the layout to not be intuitive.

    Oh, and I'm already subscribed to your blog, and have been reading it, for, like, EVAR. :D

  96. My favourite new bookstore is McNally Robinson. They're a locally owned company that started small but has been able to expand into a few different provinces over the past few years. Their shops are fantastic; they have nooks for each genre, a great children's section, lots of dark wood, chairs for customers, a great bargain section... I could go on and on. I love 'em to bits.

    My favourite used bookstore is Half Price Books. We don't have them here in Canada, but I never visit the Twin Cities area without checking theirs out. Their bargain section is to die for; I always buy way, way too much.

    -- Memory
    xicanti AT

  97. B&N is my favorite, but lately BAM has been getting books that B&N doesn' I'm in bookstore limbo!

  98. Actually, one of my favorite places to buy books is the local Goodwill. They have a great selection and you can't beat the prices.

    I've blogged about your giveaway here.

    missporkchop AT yahoo DOT com

  99. My favorite bookstore is Clayton Books. They are an independent bookstore and are always having interesting authors in for reading and book signings. They are terrific.

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  100. My favorite is Barnes and Noble. I like the way it is set up and the coupons they send me in the mail and email. :)

  101. I'm not a picky book store chooser. I love them all! Not counting online stores, I love visiting the local Christian bookstore. (It's the only local bookstore...have to drive 30 miles to B&N, but that's ok too!)

  102. My absolute favorite bookstore is half price book store it's an amazing store! And so is haha :D

  103. I subscribed to your reader too!

    sj3girls AT hotmail DOT com

  104. For a brick and mortar store, I like Books-A-Million in Decatur, AL. Online I like Thanks so much for the chance to win! :)

    zarache AT aol DOT com

  105. Although I adore Amazon, I would go for a GC to my local haunt, Humpus Bumpus in my little town in favor of putting money in the local merchant's hands rather than the big ol conglomerate. Ya know?

    But, sigh, they don't have any coffee there. Afraid I'll spill it on the books.

    On the other hand, Last time I was there she gave me a free galley copy. Nice.

    Thanks for having the giveaway!

  106. My favorite bookstore is Powell's because it is so huge, and has a great relaxed atmosphere. I could spend all day there.
    akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com

  107. I subscribed to your feed in a reader.
    akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com

  108. I wanted to add that I subscribed to your reader. Thanks!

    zarache AT aol DOT com

  109. Amazon is my favorite because of the awesome prices. It is so easy to order from them, you know you are getting a great price & the shipping is almost always free :)

  110. I'm subscribed in bloglines!

  111. Blogged ~

  112. I love Barnes & Noble, but I also love smaller, independent bookstores, like the one I found in Lincoln City, Oregon when we went there this summer. I can't remember the name right now, though!

    nnjmom at yahoo dot com

    Oh, I already subscribe to you on my Google Reader - have for awhile now. :)

  113. Hello - my favorite book store is the book ends at my local library - get great books but easy on the pocketbook - while also helping the library!

  114. I subscribe to your blog. :)

  115. Hi again -
    I am now subscribed to you through google reader!


  116. Amazon's my favorite for hardcovers...but I love to go to B&N for paperbacks and to *look* at all the pretty hardcovers! :) But probably Amazon because of how many hardcovers/new books I'm buying/wanting lately!

    I did have a favorite local bookstore where I used to live, but there aren't any of those here :(

  117. Thanks for having a giveaway! My favorite bookstore is Barnes and Noble. And I posted info about your giveaway on my blog:
    trishtheconqueror at hotmail dot com

  118. i love, love, love barnes & noble! i have so many great memories of siting in b&n, reading for hours and hours. i love the look, the sounds, the smell, everything!

  119. I really enjoy going to Half Price Books. If I'm looking for a specific book, I love getting it at half price. However, my first stop is always in their bargain section. I get great hardcover books for either a $1 or $2. You can't beat that! I do like to visit B&N, too. The coffee is great and I like to check out their bargain tables.
    Carol M
    mittens0831 AT

  120. I love for books. I may not be able to look at the books, but the prices and great reviews are so valuable. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  121. My favorite book store is Barnes and Noble. I like it best because of the membership deals and coupons I always receive from them.

  122. My favorite is probably borders. they have a good selection. it's pretty close to my house. i just like going i guess! lol

    lauren51990 at aol dot com

  123. i blogged as well!!!

    lauren51990 at aol dot com

  124. My fave book store is Kinokuniya. My fave online bookstore is!
    Thanks for the chance!

    bunnybx at gmail . com

  125. I live in Atlantic Canada so my favorite bookstore is the only bookstore - lol - Chapters/Indigo. Luckily it is pretty amazing, I can find anything there and they have about 10 stores in the area.

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

    shiloki at gmail dot com

    Oh and I have your blog in my google reader.

  126. My favorite bookstore is Amazon of course. I like to shop in the used book section because I can get so many books!

  127. I have to say that my favorite book store is Barnes & Nobles. I know, it's a huge corporation and all, but honestly, it's the only place I can get the kind of books I need. Others want to charge so much that I end up going to B&N anyways!


  128. I have subscribed!


  129. I would have to say barnes and noble. Just something about the atmosphere, smell of coffee, loads of books to look for. I usually check out their bargain books section and I love the coupons i get by email and in the mail. Thanks forthe giveaway. awalworth19(at)gmail(dot)com.

  130. My favorite bookstore is Powell's books in Portland ,OR. I don't get there often as it's about a 4 hour drive,but you can spend days in there and not get through the entire store. It takes up an entire city block.

  131. I also added you to my Google Reader.

  132. I also blogged about your giveaway, here:

  133. I love my local bookstore "Book Cafe".


  134. I buy most of my books online, used to be BN but now it's more Amazon with those 4/3 deals, I can catch up on ones I've missed and get a deal, and when I get lucky and have a few GCs I can use more than one.

  135. Already subscribed in Google Reader.

  136. I love Amazon the best. They have the greatest prices on books. Other than that I get a lot of my books at garage sales. Can't beat $.25 for a good book. Thank you so much!
    judybrittle at aol dot com

  137. Just subscribed through Google reader
    judybrittle at aol dot com

  138. amazon's my favorite for the prices and also because you can find everything or almost everything there!

  139. and subscribed to your blog on google reader!

  140. My favorite is because it's easy as it's online :)

  141. Google reader subscriber.

  142. I have blogged -


  143. My favorite bookstore is Borders books. I have a great Borders fairly close to my home and the people who work there are great. They know me by name, hold my books when I ask, and are very friendly in general.

  144. I do most of my shopping online at Amazon, but if I had to pick a store store, it would be B&N.

  145. I like Borders. I just like the atmosphere for some reason.

  146. is my favorite bookstore because I can shop from home, I'm always buying something else there anyway and shipping is free!

  147. My favorite bookstore is Joseph-Beth Bookstores at Legacy Village.
    It's a store that I don't get to visit that often but when I do I feel very comfortable there. They also have great author visits and programs for kids as well. Our favorite was when Marc Brown, author of the Arthur books visited.

    I am a subscriber of your blog through google reader!

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  148. Barnes and Noble - it has the best selection of books around, and the woman at the cafe starts to make by tea when she sees me!

    teabird 17 at yahoo dot com

  149. thank you for having this! My favorite way to aquire books is online either through the Authors website or ebay or Thank you!

  150. My favorite is Borders because they have such good deals. I also like half price books for obvious reason. But, Barnes&Noble is the closest book store to me that i can get to for browsing, so that is gift card I would like. I love browsing for books.

  151. Barnes and Nobles b/c I can grab a coffee and browse! Its very relaxing!!!

  152. Barnes and Noble is my favorite :)

    Thank you for the giveaway and please enter me!

  153. Oh I love your comment rules. Here goes:

    My favorite "all-time" bookstore is Titlewave in Anchorage Alaska. Such a cool place with new and used books, CDs, etc. PLUS a Kaladi's Coffee shop attached. Sigh. For New York City, I'm still trying to find it. I'll let you know if I do. So far it's the Housing Works Bookstore/Cafe.

    And I already subscribe :)

  154. I am fortunate enough to live near Powell's in Portland Oregon. I love this bookstore-it's huge and has everything, and they give you trade-in value on your old books. I would recommend that anyone visiting the area to stop by and take a look!

    smchester at gmail dot com

  155. I used to love to go to Barnes and Noble and drink coffee while I browsed around. Now that I have young kids I browse and shop through Amazon. Much easier and saner way to shop when you have kids whose favorite activity is taking all the books off the shelf and then throwing a fit when it is time to clean up. :) thanks for the chance

  156. Living in a small town in far western Oklahoma, without access to a bookstore of any kind, I have to rely on Amazon for buying, and on blogs like yours for reviews and recommendations.

  157. Well, I love when it comes to online book shopping - and for used books! I frequent our library bookstore for used books here. :-) Great giveaway! :-)

  158. I'm a subscriber! Through google reader. :-)

  159. Barnes and Noble is my favorite. I think it's the coffee!

  160. Barnes & Noble is my favorite bookstore. I can always find a comfy chair to relax in while paging through a book or magazine. And, the Starbucks cafe makes it even better!
    aleach6179 AT gmail DOT com

  161. I like Barnes and noble the best because it seems to have a book about EVERYTHING and it's so warm and inviting!

  162. I love my Books A Million, it also has a coffee shop Joe Muggs. This is a great contest!
    luckistarr4 AT gmail DOT com

  163. Right now with a toddler, I like the local B&N because they have a train set that kids love to play with. But, my romantic memory has a special place for this bookstore in Paris that I frequented as a student abroad. Lots of dusty books, very little I understood, but I wanted to read everything!

  164. One of my most favorite things is a warm bubble bath.

    Thank you!

    janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

  165. My favorite all time favorite book store and coffee shop was called the living room. No other book store will ever compete in my eyes. It was a community get together. They had poetry readings, music night. You could smell the books from the shelves, there were couches and chairs scattered to look like a living room. With a piano. It was not large but was not small it was cozy enought for everyone. It also had Wooden floors, it was also a coffee shop, and served lunch. Everyone knew everyone. The owner made sure you felt welcome and made sure all the staff knew you. Unfortunately, the town of Myrtle Beach is owned, and I am not kidding there is such a thing as a certain family owning a town. They raised the rent and the owner had to leave. I never knew what the good o'le boys meant till I moved to this town. I always thought that happened only in movies.

  166. I am subscribed.

    janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

  167. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Borders! They have a great selection of my favorite kinds of books. There is an astounding amount of books that I haven't heard of before seeing them there, but read because I saw them while browsing and liked what I saw. It is less than 2 miles away from where I live, and can keep my parents and brother entertained while I am off on my own. We will spend hours there if we can, and have!

    ~Meredith F.
    rosesaremyfavorite at hotmail dot com

  168. my fave bookstore is probably amazon...can get it from home. I know you can with B&N but half there thing is going into the atmosphere. Same with Hastings,

  169. I love Half Price books and the local annual Friends of the Library booksale here in OKC. It is huge! I am all about the book bargains!

  170. I love Liberty Book Store and Powells. LBS is very cute and by my house. Powells is just amazing.

  171. I shop mostly online! - huge Christian selection and even cheaper than Amazon sometimes :).

  172. Barnes and Noble is the place to go for books and bargains, don't I know!

    I filled up my trunk with books for gifts, and wrap them all clever for little lifts!

  173. I have blogged about your contest over here.

  174. I love Barnes & Nobles. Our whole family does. We love to go and just get some book and magazines and sit and enjoy being surrounded around books.

    ladynole35 at yahoo dot com

  175. I subscribed to your feed although I think that I was already subscribed.

    ladynole35 at yahoo dot com

  176. My favorite bookstore is because they have great prices and free shipping.
    pkildow at gmail dot com

  177. I love Changing Hands in Tempe AZ, a great independent bookstore

  178. I'm a Barnes and Nobles girl..I love to go to the coffee shop and sit and chill with a magazine or book..

  179. Borders Rewards Club, need I say more?! I love Borders' selection of books, and most of the staff at my location is helpful and full of great book recommendations!

    I recently added your blog to my Google reader, and I will post the giveaway in my Contest Feature in the sidebar at Savvy Verse & Wit.

    Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

    savvyverseandwit AT gmail DOT com

  180. My favorite bookstore is The Tattered Cover in Denver. I love the history and architecture of it.

  181. I love B&N the best. It has a nice layout. Plus I can always find what I'm looking for and then some. Thanks.

  182. Hello, I like "Barnes and Noble!" We just got a "Borders" here in our town. I would love to win a card to use at the our town "Borders" Store. Please enter me in your drawing. Many thanks.....Cindi

  183. I subscibed to your feed via my Yahoo Reader Page. Thanks, Cindi

  184. I can't resist the allure of Amazon. I shop there so much it's ridiculous. That's my choice for sure!

  185. I subscribed to your feed via google reader.

  186. I prefer my local Christian store or Amazon

  187. my favorite is a huge locally owned bookstore in my hometown. it has a whole floor dedicated to beautiful childrens books. i could spend all day there!

  188. I like to wander around Barnes & Noble. Although I've been spending some time on Amazon lately.....

  189. While I'm crazy about Amazon, there's nothing like being able to touch and open a book. For that reason I picked a real store, Characters which is a second hand bookstore. There I'm able to find older books as well as new and I can trade ones I've already read.

  190. I love shopping at Books a Million b/c it's a nice atmosphere and you can thumb through anything

  191. Borders would be my choice. Thank you.

  192. There aren't too many choices in book stores where I live, but if I have to choose it would definitely be Barnes and Noble. I like them for their discount book section--I always find something I really like for a really good deal. (Oh yeah-and there is a Starbuck's in the store)

  193. I would have to say Borders because its the closest to me. Ha ha. :)

    I also LOVE to shop on :)

  194. I love B&N-it's close to my house and I can have a cup of coffee and wander thru the book aisles

    tiramisu392 (at)

  195. I love my local Borders because it's close and the employees are very nice. They provide a good atmosphere.

  196. I prefer B&N it seems pretty cozy :D



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