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Sunday, February 08, 2009


Remember Leon? He's inside the pantry in this picture. Don't ask.
He has to cut his way out. They meant to do it that way.
Sure they did.
Hey! That might be a pantry one day!

I spent the day wrangling children, so no reading has been done. Hope everyone else is having a nice weekend!

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  1. I'm impressed at how quickly it's coming along. I know you'll enjoy your new pantry.

  2. Lookin good. I am trying to finish Wally Lamb's book. I am 400pages in but it has been tough:(

  3. I love remodeling projects.

    I am 100 pages short of finishing The Terror. It's nearly 800 pages long but such an adventure.

  4. OK. Remember when last week you said to me, "How can you be painting?" Something about time and how you could never just decide to paint because of lack of said time. Well, here's the thing. No matter how much time I have or don't have...I do NOT have the guts to let my husband (no matter if Leon was here or not) put a hole in my house! You are braver than me.

  5. Bermudaonion, they are working on it more Tuesday! SO fast.

    Melanie, I've never read Wally Lamb, even though my best local friend LOVES him.

    Ti, Mike read The Terror. He was unimpressed. I can't wait for your review.

    Gina, I tried to convince them to just leave the door, but they weren't having it. It's all covered and insulated and sheet rocked, and if it weren't for the lack of siding on the outside you'd never know there was ever a door there at all. Well, and the DOORBELL.


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