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Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Sunday Salon, changes edition

I haven't done a Sunday Salon in quite a while. I find that it's hard for me to find time to post on the weekends, or at least to post anything meaningful. I'd really like to get back into the habit of talking about books more though, so I am making some changes.

First, I've decided to keep a running list of books I want to read and why. My old habit was to just add the book to my Paperbackswap list, or the library list and never think again about why, which meant I couldn't hold anyone accountable if the book sucked was great. (KIDDING.) I'm adding this to the list section at the left and will update it as books cross my path. Links go to the review that sold me on the book. I'll post the list in a separate post in a moment. I'd like to give credit to other bloggers who convince me to try something great.

Another thing I'm slowly working on is to add Books Read in pre-blogging days to the list section. This is a very long process, but I think it'll be nice to see. For some of the years I can only copy the list from Library Thing, so they won't be in the order I read them. (Sadly, I still can't find my orginal book journal. This is one of the things I would have saved in a fire, so it's very sad.)

I joined Goodreads yesterday so that I could add the "currently reading" section to the sidebar. I think I like the Library Thing interface better as it seems to have a lot more information about each book, but Goodreads is free and LT is not, so I went with Goodreads. What is everyone else's experience with Goodreads?

I've been playing games with my library this week as well. I've got 18 books checked out, 3 of which are read and can go back but the rest of them I'd like to keep through our vacation. I've finally figured out that if I renew them all tomorrow it'll give me until the day after we get back. I'm just hoping that there aren't any holds placed on them while I'm waiting it out! Next week I'll post a list of what books I'm thinking of taking on vacation, since we're driving I can take a LOT!


  1. I joined Goodreads almost 2 years ago. I tried LT, but didn't want to pay so I went with Goodreads. I've got all my books back to January 2006 listed there. I really like it.

  2. GoodReads has improved quite a bit. I use it all the time now and it has a FB interface too. I am "booktime" on there if you want to add me.

  3. LT is free up to 200 books. I guess it just depends how many books your "currently reading"! I used it for free for a few months to get the handle of it and decided that $25 for forever was nothing compared to how much I was using it. I love it!

  4. I really like Goodreads - it's getting better all the time, I think.

  5. I love the new look of your blog. I'm on both Good Reads and Library Thing, but I think I prefer LT.

  6. The last time I checked books out of the library, the librarian (one I hadn't encountered before) said in this really snotty voice 'you know you already have 9 books out, don't you?' Our library has a limit of 15 books and the new books didn't push me past that number. I love librarians but this one really annoyed me and I didn't feel the need to explain or defend myself either.

  7. I am a member at Goodreads and I love it. I also do Librarything but only for books that I have read. I am not current with them though. Give me your name on Goodreads and I will friend you. I think mine is (I am on vacation and I am way behind on my RSS feeds:)

  8. I have accounts on Library Thing and GoodReads, but I hardly ever use LT. I know that LT has a lot more information, but I don't even know what some of it is. The only thing I like about LT is that you can pick which cover you want to represent the book you are entering on your list. I think the GoodReads interface is easier for the average person to understand. Even my teenager uses it.


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