I don't usually post my Library Loot because I tend to renew books over and over and it just doesn't change that much, but since I went to my local library at lunch today to pick up some holds, I thought I'd post a list.
Today's holds were:
Today's holds were:
Going Too Far
The Savvy Crafters Guide To Success: Turn Your Crafts Into A Career
I also picked up a few for Mike:
The Spy Who Haunted Me
Deadwood: The Golden Years
The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable
Can't Be Satisfied: The Life and Times of Muddy Waters
Ill Wind (Weather Warden, Book 1)
And, of course, the stack I already had:
The Hunger Games
The Secret Life of Prince Charming
Perfect Chemistry
Vision in White
Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day
The Total Money Makeover
First Comes Love, Then Comes Malaria: How a Peace Corps Poster Boy Won My Heart and a Third World Adventure Changed My Life
Zen Wrapped in Karma Dipped in Chocolate: A Trip Through Death, Sex, Divorce, and Spiritual Celebrity in Search of the True Dharma
How to Start a Home-Based Craft Business
How to Market and Sell Your Art, Music, Photographs, & Handmade Crafts Online: Turn Your Hobby into a Cash Machine
Where would you start? Do you ever pick up a book you HAVE to read only to discover that they are ALL so tempting that you are overwhelmed? Am I the only one who has to check out some of them THREE TIMES to get them finished? (The Hunger Games, and no, I haven't even started it. I want to be mentally prepared for it!)
You have so many excellent books on this list!!
ReplyDeleteI would start with The Hunger Games as there is probably a wait list a mile long for that one.
ReplyDeleteI usually do not check out more than I can read and usually I only check out one at a time since I have so many ARCs to get through at home.
Oh, not only do I have to renew them three times (the maximum we are allowed, darn!) but I've been known to check out two copies of a particular book - from two different branches. That way, when the first is nearing its end of renewals, there's another copy waiting to take its place.
ReplyDeleteI only do this if there are no holds, obviously. I justify this as my helpful way of boosting my library's circulation numbers. :)
I hope the home based craft business books help you out!
ReplyDeleteYou have so many great choices but don't let The Hunger Games wait-it is amazingly spectacular!! That Zen dipped in chocolate looks good also-I will have to add that to my own tbr pile.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your books! I picked up 8 today... Terrible me because I have so many out all ready!
ReplyDeleteMelissa, I wish we had more than one branch! I think our limit is three times too. I try to time it so I get the max out of it- wait too long and there is more likely to be a list, renew too early and it cuts yourself short.
ReplyDeleteOh man, Perfect Chemistry was a total guilty pleasure for me. I read it twice in one week.
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure I'm going to save The Hunger Games for the read-a-thon. The library by my house that was being built is now finished (I think)--maybe I'll head over there this weekend and cozy up! I haven't been to the library since I was in college--and that was for very different reasons.
ReplyDeleteLOL! I've had The Hunger Games checked out before but didn't quite get to it. I will read it eventually but maybe when the hype dies down a bit more :P
ReplyDeleteI am reading All Quiet on the Western Front right now. So far so good. I never though I would like a war book!
ReplyDeleteWhoa! That's a stack and a half! I wouldn't know where to start, either! Good luck and good reading.
ReplyDeleteBTW, I love the name of that book - Zen Wrapped in Karma Dipped in Chocolate!
ReplyDeleteMy husband brought home The Black Swan...it looks interesting!
ReplyDeleteI've been wanting to read First Comes Love but I haven't gotten my hands on it yet.
ReplyDeleteThere have been so many times where I had to return my entire stack of library books because I wanted to read them all so much that I didn't know where to start. It seems absolutely ridiculous but it always made sense at the time.
ReplyDeleteHave you read The Hunger Games yet?!
I said to myself that I wouldn't check anymore books out at the library and I'm still on a bookbuying ban. I thought I'd be able to read MY OWN books for a little while. I went to the High Street yesterday, got three books out of the library, bought one book from a bookstore and two from a charity shop. I'm hopeless.