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Monday, August 16, 2010

Ten Things I Love About You by Julia Quinn

Ten Things I Love About YouTen Things I Love About You by Julia Quinn was one of those books that the library only gives you a week to read. It came in the same day as The Passage by Justin Cronin but since I thought Mike and I might both enjoy The Passage, I started with the Quinn and gave the other to him.  If you're a reader of historical romance at all, it's a pretty good chance that you've read something by Julia Quinn, so you have a pretty good idea what to expect going in.  Ten Things I Love About You certainly fulfills that expectation.

This is the summary from the back of the book, and since it's so representative of the book, I'm going to post the whole thing:
Ten Things You Should Know About This Book
1. Sebastian Grey is a devilishly handsome rogue with a secret.
2. Annabel Winslow's family voted her The Winslow Most Likely to Speak Her Mind and The Winslow Most Likely to Fall Asleep in Church.
3. Sebastian's uncle is the Earl of Newbury, and if he dies without siring an heir, Sebastian inherits everything.
4. Lord Newbury detests Sebastian and will stop at nothing to prevent this from happening.
5. Lord Newbury has decided that Annabel is the answer to all of his problems.
6. Annabel does not want to marry Lord Newbury, especially when she finds out he once romanced her grandmother.
7 is shocking, 8 is delicious, and 9 is downright wicked, all of which lead the way to
10. Happily. Ever. After. 
Sounds good, no? And it was. It wasn't one of my favorites of all time, but it was good. Annabel is very much like many of Quinn's heroines: smart, pretty, not made of the same mold as the rest of society.  Sebastian is terrific. He loves women and he's not bashful about it.  He knows he is charming and handsome and he knows how to use his reputation to it's fullest. Everyone loves him at the same time as he is scandalous. The book takes place over a very short time frame, which makes it a little bit unbelievable, but we are talking about a romance novel and right there on the back it says Happily Ever After, so no real complaints there.

I do think I missed out on a little bit by not having read What Happens in London, which is Sebastian's cousin's book. It doesn't ruin the flow of the story, but I think I might have enjoyed it a bit more in order.

Ten Things I Love About You
Julia Quinn
Avon Books 
384 pages
Source: library

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  1. Oh, this does sound delicious!! I'll put it on my list.

  2. Thanks. This does sound fun. How are you feeling?

  3. I read this one back in May, I think. Very cute story.


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