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Friday, November 19, 2010

RF: If today is moving day, why aren't we moving?

Because we still don't have a house! Got two decent choices, finally, but no decision yet.

Mike has been gone since Sunday. I am thrilled that he's coming back tonight.

The Princess does not like to be alone. She demands to be held, which is so very tiring. And it makes the Bug jealous.

We went to Goodwill this morning and did really well. A pair of waterproof boots for the Bug,one of these mat things for the Princess, some baby clothes including a vintage top for next summer that is SO cute and some baby Gap snow pants for next year for $1.50!!!. Three kids books at $.50 each (Ramona the Pest (Ramona Quimby), Five Little Peppers and How They Grew, and
A Wrinkle in Time), and a couple little toys for the Bug- a puppy toy, some wooden kitchen utensils (techinically not toys) and a little Santa figurine.

The Pirate is an awesome big brother. 95% of the time.

Finished a book this week, and almost a second!

My computer is trying to die on me, fingers crossed Mike can fix it this weekend!

Looking back to this week:

How was your week?  A lot of you seem to have had the same crud I have, everyone feeling better? I am, thank goodness.
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  1. So glad things are sounding better over there!

    The Five Little Peppers!!!! Oh my gosh- Phronsie! Jasper! I am going to have to find one of those. I forgot about them. I have been reading a Ramona book to my boys while we wait for the school bus in the mornings so it seems we are ready for chapter books. YAY!

    I am NOT feeling better- finally took myself to the dr and I have pneumonia. Ew. First time. It is not pleasant.

  2. I love the picture of the three kids together - it is priceless. I'm sure you have a sling, but I know holding her all the time would get old. Just focus on the teen years when she won't want to be near you.

  3. I love that little shirt she's wearing!

  4. I loved the Five Little Peppers and How They Grew! The Pirate reminds me so much of my oldest with his little sister. 95% of the time sure makes life easier!

  5. I loved all three of those books. Great picture.

    The baby is probably picking up on some of your stress. Vicious circle.

    Hope you can get settled soon.

  6. What absolutely adorable photos. And I LOVE charity shop bargains. I find the BEST books there! Hopefully Mike coming home allowed you to relax a little bit!

  7. I love the photo of Pirate and Princess. For such a young big brother, I bet he's doing an amazing job of holding it together. :)

    Do you have a sling to carry Princess in? I didn't have one with my first, but did with my second and it was a LIFESAVER. I was big into attachment parenting. ;)

    I had one like this: baby sling. I'm pretty sure I still have it.. email me if you'd like to try it and I'll mail it to you.


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