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Friday, February 11, 2011

Random Friday, how does Friday get here so often?

Random Thoughts:
  • The Bug made me make oatmeal on the stove this morning, even though he hates oatmeal. Then he ate it.
  • On Wednesday, he had mac and cheese for breakfast. I cooked mac and cheese for breakfast. I couldn't think of a reason why not.
  • The house that we are living in has sold. We will be moving again soon- once we find a new place.
  • Our house has not sold.
  • The Bug does not take naps. He does, however, fairly regularly collapse in this spot.
  • How does one go about invited other Kindergarteners to their home when they have not met the parents? The Pirate and I wrote a note to another little boy and his mom, each of us writing half. I'm not sure how that will work but I couldn't think of another way. If there were a class directory, we did not get it.
  • The Princess has two teeth, but don't think you'll ever get to see them.
  • What kind of cellphone do you have? Is it a smartphone?
Books I Read This Week:

A Look Back:
Shop Update: Hahaha. Sew?  Ok, that's not completely true. I've been working on a secret project. Question: Do you think anyone would be interested in buying washable Swiffer rags on Etsy? Nothing fancy, just squares of flannel hemmed with the serger. Cheap? 

How was your week? Got big plans for the weekend? Got big plans for Valentine's Day? (we will be going to the school board meeting as the Pirate's class is doing the Pledge and a song at the meeting. SO romantic!)

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  1. Vance's first pediatrician (my favorite doctor ever) used to say, "Good food is good food no matter what time of day you eat it," so I see no problem with mac & cheese for breakfast.

    I can't remember how we invited kids home when we moved when Vance was in the first grade.

    I do have a smartphone and I love it!

  2. I have a calling card. It's sort of old fashioned but I have the child hand it to his/her mom and I nearly always get a call back.

    It might help that I am on PTO and visible but most of the moms call me back. I usually invite the mom over for coffee so the kids can play. Sometimes it doesn't work out though when the child is a dreak but the mom is a freak!

    I have a Blackberry and love it. I don't care for touchscreen technology. I need buttons.

    I'm sorry that you are going to have to move again. I was hoping the timing would work out for you.

  3. Dreak is supposed to be DREAM. LOL.

  4. My daughter ate dinner for breakfast for years! My eldest son always thought eggs was a dinner food cause thats when I made them. It took a sleepover for him to come home and ask why they served them for breakfast!

    As for the phone, we are plain and simple. No Internet.

    Maybe you could ask the teacher if there is a class list?
    Or, maybe your son could ask his friend for his phone number? Then again, if he is like my middle son, he won't know it, he could have but, he told me he did not think it was important! I think by 2nd grade I convinced him. He is a stubborn one and will only do things when HE is ready.

    Have faith, the house will sell!

  5. I just love how they fall asleep anywhere when they are little. So dear.

  6. Oh do you keep up with everything??? I can't imagine having to gear up to move again. Good luck! And I love that kids like to fall asleep in random places as well :)

  7. I would totally have quit pushing naps if any of my kids would have collapsed into sleep when they got tired!

    I'm with Ti; my husband is trying to give me his iPhone cuz he got a new phone for work and I won't give up my Blackberry. Must. Have. Buttons!

  8. I cannot believe you will need to move again. I hope you didn't unpack everything from the last move!

    I think the note that you and Pirate co-wrote is a really nice way to introduce yourselves and ask for a play date. When my girls were in the early grades... PreK through Grade 1 or so, I always invited the mom to come to the first play date and made a pot of coffee or tea. I always established a time frame of two hours for the invite, though, so I knew they'd leave in case it didn't work out. LOL.

    I think selling washable Swiffer rags is a great idea. I would need some kind of assurance that the flannel will work as well picking up dust and hair and such as the commercial swiffer cloths. Is it just as effective?

  9. p.s. I have an iPhone and yes, it's very smart. LOL


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