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Saturday, April 02, 2011


The move is going well and unlike last time we have internet and cable! Today we go back for more boxes and tomorrow we clean the old house and then it's done.

Now, someone tell me how long it's going to take of me saying "Shhh! There are people living on the other side of that wall!" before it takes. Or, perhaps easier, what do I bribe my neighbors with to make them love my very loud children?

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  1. Don't worry about the noise your children make during the day. That's part of life.

  2. Your children are just young children--they probably aren't any louder than any other children that age! Plus there's no way to make sure they stay quiet. So I highly recommend delivering plates of goodies to the neighbors periodically so they will feel you are much too nice of a person to complain about!

  3. Glad to hear that the move is going well. I remember when we lived in an apartment and my oldest (who was the only child at the time) always was hearing me say to not jump or run because we had neighbors underneath of us with very thin walls. Good luck!

  4. How long do you have to live there? jk. Sure, the children need to learn to be respectful of others, but it is completely unreasonable for them to have to be quiet all the time. Since you are worried, your household will probably be the quietest one.

  5. I'm sure noise will be fine. You'll probably be more sensitive at first than you need to be (unless you can hear your loud neighbors!).

    Glad the move went well!!

  6. But they're SOoooo cute! How could anyone complain about your kids??! Preposterous. I won't happen. :)


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