My birthday is 11 short days away, and with all the flood excitement I have failed to provide you with a shopping list. We can't have that! Since we've been on a tight budget since the girl was born, my list is extraordinarily long this year. Feel free to pick anything on it.
- A flickr pro account upgrade
- iTunes gift cards
- A cool lens for my iphone
- A tripod
for my iPhone
- This cool drying rack
for my coffee mugs and water bottles
- This awesome hot air balloon necklace.
- New sandals for
, please)
- Fabric (this would be my first choice)
- A fun wrap bracelet for everyday.
- Oliver + S Little Things to Sew: 20 Classic Accessories and Toys for Children
A wallet just big enough for my phone, id, library card, and a tiny bit of cash. With a belt clip. I haven't found a perfect one yet.
- Time to myself.
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I hope you get everything on your list! My husband has a gift giving disability, so I gave up on making wish lists ages ago.
ReplyDeleteI hope you get everything on your list, too! :)
ReplyDeleteThose lenses for the iPhone are so cute. I wonder how the quality is?
Do you have the Camera+ app on your iPhone? I got it when it was free--not sure if it still is, but it's pretty decent. Has a lot of fun, convenient and easy post processing features. You can upload photos directly to facebook and I think flickr, too.
Speaking of iPhone apps. I don't know what happened to our Words with Friends game. It just disappeared on me one day! Freaky.
Never seen an iPhone lens! Crazy! Hoping you get everything on your list. And I would buy shoes and books. And maybe some jewelry for my bday. :D
ReplyDeleteI had no idea there were lenses for the iphone either! Hope you get something fun for your birthday!
ReplyDeleteWe don't really do gifts--maybe just a nice dinner, but I would love a new fancy sewing machine. Though I imagine when I go back to work in six weeks I won't have time to sew at all. Then I'll probably wish that I had asked for time to myself. Actually, a full night's sleep with be pretty swank as well.
Great list. I had to check out the rope bracelet-very cool. I want an IPod or an IPad for my birthday-it's in August.
ReplyDeleteI noticed the Princess has made it on to your header...maybe its been awhile and I missed it but she looks happy to be there!