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Thursday, September 19, 2013

First Day of School! (One Month Ago Today)

I'm a bit behind in sharing what the kids are up to these days, so I thought I'd start off easy. Now that everyone else is done sharing back to school pictures, and your inevitable burnout on them from Facebook is over- here's mine!

First day of school

First day of school

First day of school

First day of school

First day of school

It's hard to tell, but one of my children was more excited to get on with the first day than he was to take pictures of it...


  1. I haven't seen their pictures in a while and can't believe how big they've gotten!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. So cute! I love the way you did this and can't believe they are getting so big!!! By the way I was accidently logged on a different email so RMA is my deleted comment. Just so you know!

  4. Oh good; I was thinking that The Pirate wasn't too happy about it. Cuz I was pretty darn sure you weren't talking about The Bug who looks like he might have bounced all of the way to school!

  5. Adorable Lisa!! Are those little Converse sneakers on your daughter --so cute. That back back on your middle child is as big as him...LOL

  6. Love love her dress! And her hair! Those are some serious curls! I can't believe how big they've all gotten!

  7. They are getting so big! I love, love, love the Princess' curls. How cute! My oldest had no interest in taking pictures as well :) I hope they are all doing well in school!

  8. Pirate looks so deadpan. Was he the excited one? And I can't believe how much he and Princess look alike. Whose smile do they have? Yours or Mike? You'll love looking back at all this cuteness in a few years. I say bring back Friday Randomness. You can start tomorrow. You're welcome. :)


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