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Monday, May 12, 2014

Hexagon update #15-2014

I missed a couple of weeks- the end of the school year always gets so busy- but came back with 32 this week for a total of 1816 down with 1104 to go!

I also stitched together five or six flowers,which barely even counts as progress, but there ya go.

I decided that I wanted a little bit of love from some of the women nearest and dearest to me in the quilt, so I made three dozen little letters with a fabric square, a hex, needle, thread and instructions and sent them off. They are starting to trickle in slowly I'm so excited. (Mom, if you are reading this, I haven't mailed yours yet!) These special ones are all the same fabric, and it's the only one with purple, so that I can point them out to the Princess.

Linking up with Jessica, again.



  1. i love your idea of little packets mailed out thingy.. also love the colors in completed hexi flower. yay progress!

  2. oh my--what a great idea to send out packets and use a certain nice!! Great progress, too!!!

  3. that's so cool that you've invited others to join in your project. I hope they respond quickly! Cant wait to hear more about this part of the pink hexie journey.

  4. Wow! I never thought of inviting others to join in and what a cool way to do it. Now you have me thinking...I have 4 generations of women in my family that cool would it be to get each of them to make a star or flower or just contribute to even one in the quilt? Love it!


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