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Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Hello from Pierre McDonalds!

We made it! We just don't have internet at home yet. OR cable. I am at McDonald's, which hallelujah! has an indoor playland. We're supposed to be online on the 14th, so see you all again then.

The move was fairly smooth and the house is getting settled and the Pirate started school this morning. I think we might live here!

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  1. Bet you are glad! May you love your new city.

  2. Yay!!! :)
    Home is where you hang your heart, my friend. May yours be comfortable and happy right where you are.

    ... and may it have a wonderful library! :D

  3. Oh good. I was worried about you when I heard about all sorts of rough weather. Here's to getting settled in! Cheers!


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