Another month, another BlogHer book club book! This month's selection was The Care and Handling of Roses with Thorns
Unfortunately, I wasn't overly impressed with the book. Some authors have a way of making unusual things like rose breeding interesting, but I wasn't caught up by this one. The storyline with Riley felt a bit predictible (will having your long lost niece around make you soften up? be less thorny than roses? roses with thorns?) and the ultimate ending wasn't much of a surprise.
I took a peek at rating on Goodreads and it seems that I'm in the minority here, the average rating is a 4. The BlogHer discussion takes off today at this link, and you can find the author on the web here, or on twitter.
This is a paid review for BlogHer Book Club but the opinions expressed are my own.
Sorry this didn't work for you.