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Friday, October 07, 2016

The Five Books that I really want to Buy. Right Now.

You know how sometimes there aren't a lot of new (newish) releases that just beg you to buy them, and sometimes there are a ton at once? (Or maybe just a lot that your library doesn't get as an ebook, and who reads paper these days anyway?)  These five are open in windows on my phone, just waiting until I can't resist any longer.

Do You Want To Start a Scandal by Tessa Dare. Book 5 of Spindle Cove, which I LOVED, and really, how great is this description??

Tools of the Titans: The Tactics, Routines and Habits of Billionaires, Icons and World-Class Performers by Timothy Ferriss. This is a pre-order, so it's not killing me, but I don't want to forget either. I love his blog and would like to read his books.

Sweet Little Lies and The Trouble with Mistletoe by Jill Shalvis. Apparently Shalvis isn't doing NetGalley with this series, and I keep seeing terrific little snippets of both books. Gonna have to buy.

Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow. I finally got Mike hooked on Hamilton, and after our trip to Philly (more on that later) he was itching to read this. Full disclosure, he bought it last weekend so it doesn't really fit this list, but *I* haven't started it yet.

What books are on YOUR radar right now?


  1. That Dare book is seriously tempting me. How can I resist a game of Regency Clue?? And all the Jill Shalvis books. Have yet to even start the new series. It's killing me!

  2. I really have not got into the Hamilton craze and I really need to. lol I have listened to the music, but not actively and it just hasn't clicked yet... When I have earbuds in, I am usually listening to an audiobook. Maybe I should take a audiobook break and do some music for a bit. :)

  3. I think my dad has the Chernow. Hmmm, gotta steal that from him!


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