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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Drop Everything and Read Day!

Great news! Today is National Drop Everything and Read Day!  "D.E.A.R. stands for Drop Everything and Read. National D.E.A.R. Day is a special reading celebration to remind and encourage families to make reading together on a daily basis a family priority." D.E.A.R. is celebrated on April 12th as that is the birthday of Beverly Cleary and Ramona Quimby is the official spokesperson for the event. You can see her letter inviting you to participate here and that adorable girl in the drawing is Ramona. The official website has a ton of resources including printable stickers and bookmarks, and a nice list of reading suggestions for all age groups.  The Pirate has started to discover the joy of reading (as opposed to reading for information) and just this morning I had to wait for him to finish a chapter before he could possibly get dressed, so I'm definitely going to bookmark that.

I realized this was coming earlier in the week and immediately started making plans to read guilt free as much as I wanted today. (Officially it's only for 30 minutes.)  I did a billion loads of laundry yesterday and my house is mostly clean. And then the Princess was up all night, despite having been a very good sleeper for nearly a month. So perhaps it'll be Drop Everything and Read and NAP day at my house!  

What would you read if you gave yourself a day like this?  I can't decide if I want to read one book all day or swap around for maximum exposure...


  1. I'd read one book, but I'm a one book kind of gal.

  2. I've been working on Kitchen Counter Cooking School and What Mother's Do for MONTHS now. Really want to finish both so I can move on guilt free. A day to read...though I'd probably end up just falling asleep. ;)

  3. Oh, snap, I should have taken the day off!

  4. Hmmm...they should make that a weekend thing. I could stand a weekend of JUST reading. It would never but happen but I can hope.


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