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Thursday, November 15, 2012

My reading companions

This month's prompt for the Where in the World Are you Reading? meme is: Reading companions. Most of my reading is done in my car or at night after everyone is asleep. This means that, like many of you, I could take quite a few pictures of myself with a cat on my lap. Or my head.

The Pirate is finally old enough to take the the library, and as much as he hates to read, he loves to pick out books. I managed to get this picture of him happily browsing shelves with me. It was almost like my dream date!

Pirates at the library

And I managed to snap this one of the Bug('s behind) hanging out while I read. You can't tell from the picture, but he's playing Star Wars Angry Birds on the iPod.

Reading with bugs

Have you blogged about your reading companions yet? This one is open til the end of November and you can link up over at The Written World.


  1. Cute! It is too bad that he hates to read, but at least he enjoys going with you. :)

  2. LOL, I need to jump on this. As you might imagine, most of my reading involves looking at a toddler butt these days (sticking out from under blankets, waggling around in the floor in front of the TV, etc.).

  3. The Pirate is like Miss H - she always found lots of books she thought looked good but she just couldn't make herself read them. Heck, I could hardly get her to sit still long enough to even listen to them! I just figure, if we keep modeling that reading is fun, it's bound to rub off sooner or later, right?!

  4. I think I'm kinda like Pirate, too. I love to bring those books home but hell if I actually read them. I miss reading with my cat. :(

  5. My daughter loves to pick out books that she then doesn't want to read. But she also does love to read the same books over and over and over (you get the picture there).

  6. My only companion is my boyfriend: we both love going to the public library and to book shops, and we both read in bed at nights. It would be impossible for me to be with a boyfriend who doesn't like reading! :)

  7. I just took my 7 year old nephew to the library and he absolutely loved it!


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